One of the worse things that I wish I could unsee and rip from my head like one of those brain control bugs that made Chekov go all crazy in The Wrath of KHHHAAAAAAANNN! would be the thing I saw when I was seeing the thing I saw going up Prior Park Rd one day.
It was a beautiful summers day, warm and sunny. Fluffy clouds of water vapour weighing hundreds of tons were somehow lazily wobbling about in the sky stuff. I was in my summer gear, baggy shorts and t-shirt pedalling furiously up the hill. Up ahead of me, a dot in the distance was a Lycra-clad Machopath, making his slow way up ahead of me. He was still ahead of me as I quickly gained on him, although he would not remain ahead of me for long, I thought, no, soon he wouldn't be ahead of me, he would be behind me, instead of being ahead of me. As I drew close to him, I could see he was wearing the customary Lycra short tights things those nutjobs wear, but with one, horrific difference.
This guy must have been a veteran of the roads, and these must have been his favourite skin-tight bottom coverings, but years of wear and washing had thinned these to a see-through state of transparency. I could clearly see his bum cheeks through the molecule thin material.
But worse was to come.
As is the norm with these dickswinging motherlovers, they cannot comprehend that someone else on a bicycle has caught them up. "How could this be?" they whisper to themselves, "I am fughugging AWESOME on a bike and no one alive can catch up with me, 'cause I am just so macho and I should be in the Tour de France if I wasn't busy being a go-getter business predator of the first order and I would probably win it easy, and leave all those Frenchy types behind me like the wangdangling croissants they are!"
But the truth is on my state-of-the-art-of-the-future pedelac bicycle I can whizz pass the Sucking Loaches easy-peasy japanesy. Not this time though. A large line of traffic was passing very, very, very close to us so I was unable to accelerate away pass him, I was trapped. And then the Macho one decided that the race was on and he did what they all try, standing up off their seat and really going for it, pedal-wise.
With a realisation of fear and despair, I now knew what I was faced with, the arse of horror. I could see all the wire-like pubes that covered his hairy spotty cheeks, all packed in and squashed against their Lycra containment field. I though that I would be spared the worse by the pencil thin seam that ran down the shorts covering his crack of terror, but the shorts, old and worn by too many pretend mountain climb stages had given up at the critical place, ripped, and a hole had appeared showing me another hole, the whole of a hole that leads into a person, the Anus!
Utterly hypnotised by this brown eye staring at me, wiggling at me, tensioning and untensioning with each pedal thrust, that for a few minutes I failed to notice the traffic had all gone and I was able to scoot on by him.
As I went passed I puffed "Excuse me, but I can see your asshole."
He must of misheard me, because he really let fly with some serious naughty words.
Some people, they're offensive from the front and back.
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Black bar added to protect the innocent. |
...never understood why these weirdos dress up like they're actually in a race - well, unless they actually are at the time, that is - surely it'd make more sense to train in heavy clothing and with added weight on the bike, so that when you go for it proper and do all the leg-shaving, tight-knickering, elbow-waxing nonsense on yer foofy featherweight bike, you'd zip away like greased lightnin? Just an excuse to wear their tight-fitting gimp-gear in public, the pervs.